Popular Beard Styles – How to Grow Faster & Thicker – How to Trim

Goatee Beard Styles

Beard Styles: Rocking a beard style is now a popular trend for men, but choosing one, which could be perfectly matched to the hair style, the shape of your face and the structure of your chin, can be quite intriguing. But one thing can be said about the men beard styles, is that, there is a beard style for everyone.

All you will need, is to know how to trim a beard and the art of beard shaping. While choosing a beard style that could suit you the best, it is important to take certain factors into consideration. First, decide on the beard designs, and then decide on which features you want to enhance, so that you reach your aim.

You may like a thicker beard, matched to the unique shape of your face, or you may want to highlight your jawbone, and when you have these things in mind, you will need a guide to help you bring perfection to the men’s beard styles.

How to Grow a Beard Faster and Thicker

Here is a complete guide, which can help you choose the beard cuts, that could make your looks outstanding, and even provide you with enthusiasm to participate in a beard competition.

  • In your quest for growing a beard faster and thicker
  • you will have to follow the four week rule.
  • Have a clean shave, moisten your skin with a gel
  • allow the facial hair to grow for four weeks.
  • You will have to hold your patience
  • facial skin remains moisturized

How to Trim a Beard The Right Way

You will also need how to trim a beard in order to attain the style you are aiming for. All you have to do is:

  • Comb all the facial hair in one direction
  • Use a number 4 setting clipper for having an even cut
  • Fade the cheeks and the neck
  • Trim the mustache evenly
  • Use a scissor for detailing, and end up, applying a moisturizer.

18 Best Popular Beard Styles for Men

Check out some different beard styles given here, to choose the one that can best suit your looks.

#1: Stubble


There are three styling types of the Stubble beard cut, the short, medium and long stubble. For attaining a short stubble, you can grow the hair for 2 days, until it is about 4 mm in length. For a long stubble, it may take a week till the hair is thick and long.

How to Style:

Step 1: Grow the facial hair to a length which is perfect for styling a short, medium or long stubble.

Step 2: Trim the hair accordingly to the desired shape, leaving the chin completely shaved.

Step 3: Shave the upper cheeks to make the style appear neat.

Best Face Shape:  This stubble beard style suits those faces that are inverted triangle in shape.

#2: Short Boxed Beard

Short Boxed Beard

For getting a modern look, the short boxed beard style is one of the most popular short beard styles. Knowing how to trim your beard for attaining this beard style, is important. Trimming the neckline is most important to have the short boxed beard style. Regular shaving of the areas around and below the beard is also important to bring perfection to this beard shaping.

How to Style:

Step 1: Dry your beard and shave the entire beard with an electric trimmer, setting it to 5 to 10 mm.

Step 2: Clean shave the areas above the jaw line and between the side burns and mustache.

Step 3: Trim and taper the collar, and have a symmetry check in the mirror.

Best Face Shape: Round shaped face is best suitable for this beard style.

#3:  Chin Curtain

chin curtain

This is a chin beard style, which extends right through the jaw line and the chin from one side to the other. Famous personalities who made this beard grooming popular, include Abraham Lincoln and Alvaro Pombo, a famous writer of the 70’s. Chin Curtain beards are easy to trim, and that is why people having less time to pay attention to their beard style, would like this one.

How to Style:

Step 1: Grow your facial hair for about a month or a little longer, depending upon how fast the hair grows.

Step 2: Shave off the mustache completely.

Step 3: Trim the hair on your jawline, neck and cheek, when the hair has grown to a certain level.

Best Face Shape: The beard shaping suits, faces which are diamond or oval.

#4: Chin Strap

Chin Strap

Although there might be a section of people wanting the Chin Strap beard style to disappear, latest trends in beard style does not show any such signs. This is one of the best beard styles, especially for juveniles, which looks smart and no doubt sexy. The variations of the chin strap style make it more popular, one of the reasons being, helping you look younger than you are.

How to Style:

Step 1: Dry your facial skin and beard.

Step 2: First, make sure that your beard is at least 1 cm, before trimming it to a length of not more than 5 mm.

Step 3: Use a precision trimmer, and outline a wide strap of 1 to 2 cm wide, from one side of the ear to the other, along the jawline, and shave your neck and cheeks.

Best Face Shape: Men with round faces can flaunt this style.

#5: Brett


The Brett beard style is a combination of the soul patch and the chin strap, which was made famous by Brett. What makes one of the latest beard styles like this one, is that, it does not touch the sideburns.

How to Style:

Step 1: Using a full size trimmer, have a nice trim of 1/8th inch, leaving the whiskers long and drooping down a little on the chin.

Step 2: Draw an outline of the chin strap of about 1 inch wide, running along the jaw line from one side of the ear to the other, using a precision trimmer.

Step 3: Shave your upper lip, neck and cheeks clean.

Best Face Shape: Square and round shaped faces are suited for the brett beard style.

#6: Mutton Chops

mutton chops

This is a classic beard style, where the sideburns are more than 2 inches long, and come close to the corners of the mouth, but do not touch either the chin or mustache. This hair and beard style gradually becomes wider, ending at the lower portion of the jaw.

How to Style:

Step 1: Grow your hair full and thick to style the sideburns properly

Step 2: Use a manual razor and shape the mutton chop style

Step 3: Shave off the excess hair starting from the top of one ear, along the cheek and to the other ear.

Best Face Shape:  Oval shaped faces are the best, suited to this beard style.

#7: Friendly Mutton Chops

Friendly Mutton Chops

The difference between mutton shops and the friendly mutton chops styles is the presence of mustache, which is connected on both the sides, with the full and thick sideburns. The cheeks are shaved clean and the sideburns touch both the sides of the mouth.

How to Style:

Step 1: Grow your facial hair full and thick and also the mustache to a length where the sideburns touch the whiskers on both the sides.

Step 2: Use a trimmer to narrow the beard along the jaw line, as preferred.

Step 3: Shave off the cheeks

Best Face Shape:  Men with round or oval shaped faces can flaunt this beard style to suit their looks.

#8: Franz Josef

Franz Josef

The Franz Josef beard style is one of the variations of the mutton chop style, where the sideburns come down well below the level of the mustache and then point upwards to touch it on both the sides. This is one of the vintage types of beard styles.

How to Style:

Step 1: Grow your mustache to a length of about 2 inches on both the sides.

Step 2: Grow the sideburns full and thick, letting them go downwards below the level of the whiskers.

Step 3: Trim the mustache and the sideburns, allowing the sideburns to curve upwards to touch the whiskers on both the sides.

Best Face Shape:  Round and oval shaped faces are the best suited for this beard style.

#9: Klingon


This is a full beard style, where the part above the upper lip is shaved clean. This is one of the men beard styles, which became popular after the Star Trek episodes. The beard is styled to connect the mustache, with an extended goatee style in combination.

How to Style:

Step 1: Grow your beard full and thick till it is suitable for trimming.

Step 2: Shave the portion over the upper lip

Step 3: Let the beard touch both the sides of the mustache.

Best Face Shape:  This beard style will suit faces having oval or elongated shapes.

#10: Neck Beard

Neck Beard

This one of the unique medium beard styles, where the hair is noticeable only along the neckline. The beard is first grown to full volume, and then shaved off, leaving the neckline styled with a wide beard. You may choose the thickness of the beard as you like.

How to Style:

Step 1: Let your beard grow for a couple of weeks, till it is medium thick.

Step 2: Shave off the hair on the cheeks, chin and the jaws, leaving a thick outline only along the neckline.

Step 3: Trim the beard along the neckline to the width you would like.

Best Face Shape:  Round shaped faces can look different and elongated, with this beard style.

#11: The Garibaldi

The Garibaldi

This beard style is one of the full and long beard styles, where the beard is grown full and thick, for about a month. When styling, the beard is shaped round at the bottom, and the mustache integrating into the beard.

How to Style:

Step 1: Let your hair grow for about a month, till it is full and thick.

Step 2: Cut and trim the beard to give a round shape at the bottom.

Step 3: Style the mustache to integrate into the beard.

Best Face Shape:  Round or oval shaped faces are the best, suited for this beard style.

#12: The Old Dutch

The Old Dutch


The Old Dutch is a beard style, honored with time, where the styling is of square shape, without any mustache, and the top area of the chin is left bare. This is one of the men beard styles, which are popular among lumberjacks. It is more of an Amish and old school style.

How to Style:

Step 1: Let your facial hair grow thick and full for about 5 weeks.

Step 2: Shave off the portion above the upper lip, and let the cheeks be covered by the facial hair.

Step 3: Finish the sideburns and allow them to be connected with the beard left to extend towards the bottom.

Best Face Shape:  Oval shaped faces are the most suitable ones for this beard style.

#13: A La Souvarov

9. A La Souvarov

This is one of the unique beard styles for men, where the mustache and the sideburns are highlighted. You may call this beard style a variation of the Franz Josef, where the sideburns curves upwards towards the mustache.

How to Style:

Step 1: Leave your facial hair grow to medium length, which will tale about to 3 weeks.

Step 2: Let your sideburns grow thick and long, curving towards the mustache.

Step 3: Use a trimmer to give shape, and shave off the cheeks, allowing a hairline around the jaw and the neck.

Best Face Shape:  This beard style is best suited for oblong shaped faces.

#14: The Verdi

the verdi

This is one of the short beard styles, where the beard is styled to be round in shape, and the sideburns connecting the mustache on both the ends. The cheeks are shaved off to give a contrasting look.

How to Style:

Step 1: Grow your beard to full volume and thickness, which may take 3 to 4 weeks.

Step 2: Style the whiskers to be pointed at the ends and connected to the sideburns.

Step 3: Trim the beard to make the bottom look round, and shave off your cheeks.

Best Face Shape:  Oblong shaped faces are the best suited for this beard style.

#15: The Full Beard

The Full Beard

This is a traditional beard style, where the beard is connected with the whiskers. The hair is grown and trimmed all around the neck, on the chin, upper lip, around the areas of the mouth, and ending with the sideburns. The Old Dutch, Van Dyke and Balbo are variations of the full and long beard styles.

How to Style:

Step 1: Let your facial hair grow for about 3 to 4 weeks, till it is full and thick

Step 2: Use quality grooming products that can help you to know how to trim beard.

Step 3: Let your whiskers grow and meet the beard.

Best Face Shape:  Full beard styles suit almost all types of shapes of the face.

#16: French Fork

French Fork

This is a full beard style, where the facial hair is grown to full length till it can be split into two, down the middle of the chin. This is one of the cool beard styles, made popular by the French.

How to Style:

Step 1: The hair is allowed to grow to its fullest length, which may take about 5 to 6 weeks.

Step 2: Style the beard into two halves just below the chin and let the hair extend down well below the jaw line.

Step 3: Trim the hair to give an original French look, with the beard extending past the chin.

Best Face Shape:  Oblong shaped faces are best suited for this beard style.

#17: Ducktail


This is one of the full beard styles for men, where the full beard is styled to be pointed. The beard cut is neat, with the features, tapering towards the chin. It resembles the shape of a duck tail. The upper portion of the beard is cut short, the chin length may vary according to the style you want to flaunt.

How to Style:

Step 1: Let your hair grow to grow for about 3 to 4 weeks, till you can trim the hair short, and then determining th length of the hair on the chin.

Step 2: Style the gaps of the facial hair to look friendly.

Step 3: Disconnect the sideburns from rising from the hair from the region of the ears.

Best Face Shape:  Rectangular face shape is best suited for this beard style.

#18: Hulihee


The Hulihee beard style can be called as a variation of the mutton chop style, where the beard is grown to be wavier and lengthier. The well groomed mustache is connected to the beard, resembling that of a hawaiian beard style. This beard style is an example of a fully groomed beard.

How to Style:

Step 1: Grow your facial hair to the length that allows it to be styled into a Hulihee, where the facial hair comes down from both the sides of the ears.

Step 2: Grow your mustache till it connects the beard on both the sides.

Step 3: Shave clean the cheeks and the chin to get the actual look.

Best Face Shape:  Oval shaped faces can be the best to pull off this beard style.

Now that you have the best cool beard styles, and have come to know about shaping beard, choose the beard style that could best suit your facial features.

Image:  1, – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,



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