How to Grow a Thicker Beard Faster: A Detailed Guide

Beard Style for men

We know you fantasize about growing a thicker whisker at a faster pace. Who doesn’t like a healthy and bushy beard, right? However, like the hair on your head, the rate of facial hair and facial hair development is to a great extent controlled by hereditary qualities and age. This doesn’t mean you can’t grow your beard through other means.

A lot depends on what you eat, your sleeping pattern, stress levels and exercises. Did you know? With all the right efforts, you can start growing your facial hair even after you get old. 

So, in this article we bring you every way in which you can grow your beard thick and make it look healthy.  Follow these tips from our side and you will see a difference in hair growth.

What Makes a Beard Thicker?

Be it for a man or a woman, the hair growth is 1.25 centimetres each month. This means, no matter how much you try, you can’t grow your facial hair longer than this. 

However, the speed of this growth depends on the genetic factors, age and your well-being. There are numerous articles on the internet claiming to help you grow your facial hair in 2 weeks. But, believe us, it is all trash. It takes up to a month to get the thickest beard you desire.

While your beard growth is in progress, you can make it look thick through the following:

  • Beard shade: If your facial hair is in the dull hue shade, it appears full and thicker.
  • Distance between each hair strand: This is not in your hands, but the distance between your hair strands also decides how thick your beard can look. 
  • Hair thickness: If you are naturally gifted with thick hair strands, your beard can seem full even with less number of strands. 

Though you cannot decide how quickly your beard can grow due to these genetic factors, you can help it grow in a more healthy way through the below tips.

4 Week Beard Rule

Okay, so you want a thick beard as soon as possible. And, as we said earlier, getting it is not a cakewalk. You need a lot of patience and hope. 

However, it is a known thing that most men do the wrong things during the process of hair growth. They either start to shape the beard or trim it to look presentable and this hinders the process of achieving a thicker beard. 

So, you should not shave, trim or cut the beard while it is still in its growing cycle. But, how do you know if your beard is still in the growth process?

This is where the 4-week rule applies. Make sure you don’t touch your beard for 4-weeks once you start to decide to grow it to the full extent. After this point, you can choose to trim or shape the beard as you like. 

Also, after this 4-weeks, you will actually know how well your beard grows and to how much length it grows in this period. So, be patient till you complete these 4 weeks.

Tips to Follow While you are Growing your Beard:

Beard 2
  • Wash your facial hair consistently, however ensure you don’t over-wash it. In the event that you wash the beard consistently, odds are your facial hair will before long begin to dry out and turn out to be more inclined to harm.
  • Apply whiskers oil. Thus, you will forestall unreasonable tingling, and your facial hair will become milder and more beneficial.
  • Post the 4-week stamp, you have two options with regards to growing thick facial hair.
  • One choice is to just give it a chance to develop without anyone else, giving it a chance to achieve its maximum capacity. The other choice is to start to shape, shape, and prep the facial hair.
  • Giving it a chance to develop all the more normally will procure you man focus, however preparing gives you a more cleaned appearance.
  • Presently comes the piece of influencing your facial hair to look more clean by preparing it.
  • A few men tend to prep facial hair from the beginning, however all things considered, there’s a hazard. You can without much of a stretch misconstrue how your facial hair develops or its regular lines, and foul things up.
  • Apply oil .The facial hair oil will drench into the whiskers and skin, and help it become thicker.

How to Grow Beard Faster?

1. Deal with Your Skin

Your skin is the foundation for your facial hair to grow properly and to full extent. So, in order to make sure you grow a thick beard, you need to first take care of your skin.

If you have oily skin, you must regularly cleanse your face with a gel-based face wash. If you have dry skin, you must keep your skin moisturized as much as possible. The aim is to prevent breakouts, dead cells and acne that hinder beard growth. 

2. Decreasing Stress

Everyday stress, no matter how short a time it stays, can have a great impact on your hair growth. Especially, if you want to grow a thick and healthy beard, stress can hinder the process in a big way. 

We know that it is impossible to completely be stress-free in your daily life. But, you can control it through exercising, meditation and practising your favourite hobbies. 

3. Get Ample Rest

Your hormones work better while you are asleep. Also, the blood circulation is much better from the top to toe while you are asleep. This makes your hair follicles also grow much faster. 

So, make sure you get ample rest at least for 8 hours straight at night. 

4. Exercise regularly

The essential thing you can do to enhance the growth of your facial hair is by working out on a daily basis. It acts as a solid foundation where you need to develop to foster facial hair growth, so start by cutting down your weight. 

Though all exercises empower your beard to become thicker in some way or another, some exercises are proven to impact your blood circulation thereby improving hair growth.

Those include walking, running, cycling and also cardio workouts. Do them regularly and you will see the results sooner.

A wellness mentor can empower you to perform rehearsals precisely as a matter of first importance while diminishing the probability of hurting.

5. Taking Supplements

Fortifying the development of a beard may be as straightforward as injecting supplements notwithstanding a very much adjusted eating routine.

Know that zinc, magnesium copper, vitamin B, D, and E and iron all assume significant parts in developing thicker hair.

Alongside these supplements, specialists prescribe taking biotin consistently to develop your facial hair thicker.

Different supplements that build your facial hair’s thickness due to Vitamins C and B5, and additionally beta-carotene and flaxseed oil.

6. Put Beard Oil Daily

Every man who wants to grow a beard must use beard oil to maintain it in a healthy way. Extraordinary beard growth oil immerses your bristles and skin under while taking out dandruff on the way. 

Beard growth oils made with standard trimmings are reliably the best choice if you need to make your bristles more invaluable and thicker. 

It’s especially basic if your beard is introduced to ruthless environmental conditions or engineered substances. 

To swear off hurting your bristles, you should put a slight layer of beard growth oil which by then gets sogginess and stays in your stubbles for long.

7. Remain Hydrated

Drinking at least 3 litres of water in a day is extremely beneficial for your health It will remove all the toxins from your body and also keeps your skin healthy and glossy. Plus, water is extremely helpful for your hair. It helps your hair to grow thick and prevents premature greying. 

Moreover, water removes dead cells from your skin and also helps to open up the hair follicles, thereby increasing the speed of hair growth. 

8. Focus on your Diet

If you consume a diet rich in vitamins and minerals, your health and well-being will improve multifold. Also, your hair will become strong and it tends to shed less. A healthy diet means, consuming green leafy vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds on a daily basis. Also, make sure you include food that is rich in protein like eggs and fish as protein enhances your hair growth.

A healthy diet will promote the production of testosterone hormone, which inturn makes your beard thick.

9. Trim Your Beard

Once you complete the 4-week cycle of hair growth, you can trim or shave the beard. To trim your beard, you can invest in a high-quality trimmer that makes your job hassle free. 

Before you start trimming, notice and characterize your neck area and then start shaping the left out facial hair. 

You can do this trimming once every 2 weeks, depending on your hair growth.

10. Cleanse and Condition Your Beard

As facial hair conceals your skin, you do not know if the skin beneath is healthy or not. So, you must cleanse the beard frequently (at least twice a day) to remove all the dead cells from the skin. This also prevents acne and breakouts. 

Coming to beard care, you can use a proper conditioner with natural ingredients like olive and almond oil that not only moisturize the beard but also help it grow long and thick. 

Once you get your favourite conditioner from the market, take a pinch of it and apply it all across your beard. Leave it for a few minutes and check if your hair feels smooth. If yes, then rinse it off with cold water. 

How to Grow a Thick Beard After Crossing 30?

After you cross a certain age, growing your facial hair can get difficult. Now when all the natural remedies do not work for you, you can still grow a thick beard. Here are the 3 ways that let you get a thick whisker:

  • Through facial hair inserts.
  • Getting hormone treatment (hormone therapy) from a professional.
  • Using Minoxidil.

As all the three options require prior consultation from your doctor and are also really expensive, make sure you mostly do not opt for these, unless it’s absolutely necessary for you to grow your beard. Let’s talk about these three treatments in detail below.

Is Hormone Therapy Safe?

The final resort for men who need to grow thicker facial hair is hormone treatment. It can be taken in a pill frame, hormonal cream, or by means of hormonal infusions.

Men who have attempted hormone treatment detailed that they have seen their facial hair ended up thicker a short time later, despite the fact that the level of them isn’t that high with respect to whiskers inserts.

All the more vitally, managing hormones dependably postures wellbeing dangers. Thick facial hair is awesome, yet consider if it merits taking a chance with your wellbeing to get one.

All things considered, there are such a significant number of more secure routes specified here that can get your facial hair thicker.

Beard Implants – Do They Work ?

Putting facial hair inserts is regularly viewed as an outrageous choice of getting  thick whiskers. Beard transplants are a success, yet there’s a ton of points You should keep in mind.

Whisker inserts prompt thicker facial hair, however the hairs required for transplant are used  from the patient’s head. The medical procedure takes a few hours, and it’s done with local anesthesia.

Going through a medical procedure shouldn’t be the top choice, and also the cost. With facial hair inserts, you’ll observe the whole thing  to be entirely costly.

This shouldn’t be simply the technique you get into effectively. It’s safer to  use more common methods for developing your whiskers thicker, or just grasp what your qualities gave you.

Minoxidil (Rogaine)-  Working?

One thing to note is that Rogaine doesn’t work as well on your beard as much as it does on your scalp. It doesn’t enhance the development of your hair or let new hair develop in one go. It just stimulates your existing hair follicles, making the hair grow faster. The same works for your facial hair too. So, after using Minoxidil, you can expect a slightly faster growth of your beard.


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