How to Handle a Bad Beard – Make it Thick, Dense & Full

How to fix bad beard

How to fix a bad beard: Errors are human prone. We as humans make mistakes both knowingly or unknowingly. The same holds good with beard trimming and maintenance.

It is always a tough task to check the neckline uniformity when the beard length is long. Most men make errors when trimming the neckline, some barbers may make mistakes while judging the cheek line that may suit ones face shape, or some may fail to judge the sideburns thickness that will suit an individual.

No one can judge the natural beard lines of ones face better than the respective individual itself and that means when something goes wrong, it’s up to an individual to fix it. First, a guy must be familiar with the rules of shaping a beard as this will help him to have a system for correcting the trims when they grow wrong.

This article will enlighten a beginner as well as a well-experienced man to grow his beard back into the right shape when unexpected errors happen during facial air trims.

The following pointers will help a man to tackle as well as avoid bad trim experiences.

#1: Communicate the specifications to the stylist.

A good barber is one’s best defense against having a good looking beard. But on the other hand, if the barber advocates a different style of beard trim that doesn’t suit an individual’s taste, then it will definitely suck.

Hence it is always recommended to use words and hands to communicate the beard style one intends to have. Specify how defined the edges needs to be.

Point and draw lines with the aid of ones fingers where one wants the beard to end or give appropriate directions from the existing ones.

#2: Correct the barber when one thinks he is going wrong.

Even with good communication, one may notice that the edges of the beard tend to move inward each time u sit for a trim. This is the technique that most of the barbers follow for frequent customer visits.

Predominantly stylists quote that bad beards arise due to the errors of self-grooming or miscommunication in the chair. Lines that are made or altered needs to be given time to regrow to the original shape.

If individual notice that the barber cuts into the back of his beard when trimming around the ears, for instance, do not hesitate to point it out, just politely stop them from doing that with the appropriate reasons.

#3: Choose shorter lengths when trimming mishaps occur.

Opting for shorter lengths aid in uniform and healthy regrowth of the facial beard. Insist on using the buzzer on a medium setting to take down the length of the overall beard and later ask for a slightly shorter setting to taper the edge down to the length of just a few days stubbles.

When an individual shaves the neck, reposition the line as per taste. It will be shorter than the hair nearby, but the un-uniformity cannot be noticed much.

Essentially one tends to create a taper, which is a pivotal pointer in growing the beard back without having a harsh boundary between the non- uniform sections. Stylists say that it only takes about a week for hard lines to soften and for the regrowing process to initiate.

During this phase, the beard is advised to be trimmed as normally and soon an individual will see the new hair blending together.

#4: Create a taper to hideout growing errors.

Having a taper is seen to provide a flexibility in avoiding mistakes. If one naturally taper under the neck, a fade on the neck aids in cleaning up without the necessity to add on hard lines. If the beard connects to the chest hair, one needs to establish more of a boundary.

Allowing the beard to grow the way it does naturally keep the maintenance to a minimum this the main reason why many celebrities choose to keep this style. The cheek lines need not be maintained on a weekly basis but can be touched upon special events and occasions. Maintaining a natural taper with the facial hair allows room for a softer look and can be cleaned up for a more formal look.

#5: Visit a stylist or seek help for longer facial hairs.

The following pointers only help people with the short or medium beard. A long beard can be impossible to self-groom as one needs the ability to look underneath and trim it with the aid of scissors, hence it is recommended to take the help of a barber. Find one with expertise in long beards and one won’t undo the weeks or months of beard-growing. To choose the appropriate barber one can take help from buddies with a good beard.

Ask the barber to clean up the neck while keeping the beard full. One can also insist on making use of scissors for trimming some of the beard lengths by the ears so that the back edges tend to fall in line with the sideburns. Plus, one could also blend the beard with the haircut or a contrast can be created by having a short haircut on the sides, which will help in giving the beard a fuller look.

Regular maintenance of a long beard will aid in keeping the underlying shape in check and this helps in cases where one can slip up.

#6: Brush the facial hair regularly.

If the facial hair tends to be disorderly, one needs to brush it with the aid of a comb or brush to control the direction of the hair growth. Try to avoid shampooing the beard often and remember to use a conditioner post every facial hair wash.

One always needs to keep in mind that the hair on the face is as important as the hair on the head. Hence one needs to treat it with equal importance.


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