10 Best Beard Styling Advise for Men with Oval Faces

Defined-lines atozhairstyles

Best Beard Styling Advise for Men with Oval Faces: If you always wonder about the perfect beard that suits your personality, the answer is written all over your ‘oval’ face. The kind of beard that will suit you and your personality, the best, is one that compliments and suits the shape of your face.

If you groom your facial hair, well and in consonance, with the shape of your face, you can accentuate your facial features. Every man has certain facial features which tend to get lost in a hap-hazard beard. The solution to this is to maintain and groom your beard regularly so that you can look like the best version of yourself, at all times.

Specifications of an Oval Shaped Face

The oval shape of the face is not particularly a shape but it is a collection of proportions. If you have an oval-shaped face you will have cheekbones that are slightly wider than the jaws. You will have a balanced chin which will be vertically symmetrical to your forehead.

Dimensions of an Oval Shapes Face

If you have an oval shaped face, then chances are that the length of your face is larger, than the width of the cheekbones. Your forehead will be larger, than the jaw-line, and the jaw will be at an almost rounded angle.

How to shape a beard for an oval shaped face?

There are various styles that will suit you if you have an oval shaped face. You can choose to keep a beard and a moustache or either one. You can also choose to throw off the symmetry by going clean-shaven. Or you could try and groom your beard to suit your facial features and accentuate them in the best possible way.

To shape a beard for an oval face you need to make sure that you maintain some hair on your chin since in this face type the chin is rounded. A short beard covering the chin, which is groomed on a regular basis, looks very attractive on a rounded chin.

You can also keep a thin and long, well groomed moustache. The sides can be kept long. In this face type one thing you should avoid is too much hair on the cheeks, because this will make you look round. Since in an oval face shape the length is larger than the breadth of the cheekbones lesser hair on the cheeks makes your face look leaner and more attractive.

Steps to Maintain and Care for your Beard

  • Eat healthy and stay hydrated: it is important to eat a healthy and balanced diet this can help promote hair growth and can maintain the health of your hair. Vitamin E which is found in almonds and other nuts aid healthy hair growth. If you keep yourself hydrated and maintain a balanced diet which includes all vitamins and minerals you can help your hair grow evenly.
  • Wash it regularly: if you are planning to maintain a beard it is important to wash it regularly. Each time you wash your face make sure to wash your beard with water at least. Other than this wash your beard with shampoo twice a week to prevent it from becoming brittle. After this also apply a moisturising conditioner to provide it that extra shine and lustre.
  • Dry properly: after you’ve washed your beard, pat it dry. Try not to be too rough with it this might result in hair loss, which can be avoided. After patting it dry apply beard mousse for that extra shine and lustre.
  • Apply Oil: shampoo rids hair of its natural oils. After each shampoo apply olive oil or any other beard oil to your beard which consists of olive oil. This will replenish the hair of its lost oils.
  • Groom regularly: if you want to maintain a beard you need to groom the beard regularly to keep it in shape. Grooming makes you look neat and more attractive. If you use the right trimmer and the right razor you can shape your beard to look your best self.

Best 10 Beard Styles for Round Face Shape

1. Defined lines:

Defined-lines atozhairstyles

In this the hair on the chin need to be shaved partially by leaving a small patch of hair below the lower lip. This will accentuate your jaw-line and the chin and makes you look masculine.

Things you will need:

  • Scissors
  • Trimmer
  • Razor


  • You need to grow a beard for at least one month before you plan to shape it.
  • On a one month long stubble trim along the chin and the side of your face.
  • Now, remove the hair from under the lip by leaving a small patch of hair.
  • The hair on the chin and jaw-line need to be maintained.  

2. The fuzzy look:

The fuzzy look

This is style is easy to attain since all you have to do is let the hair grow into a fuzzy beard along the jaw-line and the chin, giving an impression that you’ve put little or no effort into shaving.

Things you will need:

  • A full grown beard
  • A trimmer
  • A pair of scissors


  • To master this look you will have to let your beard grow a bit, for a month and a half.
  • Now, trim it down so it is short but not too short that it comes to lose to your chin.
  • Now trim hair all over the beard to make it look neat.
  • You can also apply beard mousse to keep the beard in place and give it that extra shine.

3. Classic short beard:


In this it appears like the beard hasn’t been groomed. In reality it is a perfectly groomed beard which looks the right amount of neat and fuzzy at the same time.

Things you will need:

  • A pair of scissors
  • A razor
  • A trimmer


  • First you need to grow a beard for at least two months before you can attain the desired look.
  • Let this beard grow naturally, without much interference.
  • The side-burns should be cleaned and trimmed with the help o a trimmer.  
  • Other than this, remember to groom your beard so that it stays in shape and there is little or no stray hair.

4. Chin strap and mustache:

Chin strap and mustache

Image link: http://images.yuku.com/image/pjpeg/37426f653000c9c32b29ddeecff6bb0aa7058166.pjpg

This look is perfect for men who have trouble growing a full beard. In this look all the beard hair is removed, other than those along the chin and the jaw-line.

Things you will need:

  • A pair of scissors
  • A trimmer
  • A razor


  • Firstly, shave all the hair other than those along the jaw-line and the chin. Leave enough hair for a moustache.  
  • Now trim along the chin strap to create an even trimmed look.
  • Even trim the outline of the moustache according to the chin strap.

5. The Full Goatee:


To grow the perfect goatee shave a beard that extends as wide as your mouth. This can be attained by removing the rest of the hair from the face and leaving hair just enough for a mustache and little hair on the chin.

Things you will need:

  • A pair of scissors
  • A trimmer
  • A razor


  • For this, you need to remove all the hair from the face.
  • Leave enough hair to create a moustache and also some on the chin.
  • Allow this hair to grow, so that they look very prominent on the face.
  • Trim this and groom it regularly.

6. A thin goatee:

6. A thin goatee

This is similar to the prominent goatee except with lesser hair. This looks just as attractive and accentuates the best features of your oval face.

Things you will need:

  • A pair of scissors
  • A trimmer
  • A razor


  • This is similar to the prominent goatee and can be achieved easily.
  • All you need to do is maintain hair along the chin and the moustache and remove all other hair from the face.
  • The side burns need to be clean and so does the neck so that you can pull off the neat trimmed look.

7. The landing strip beard:

7. The landing strip beard

This is a very easy beard to create and maintain. All you have to do is leave hair only on the chin region. This hair is very little and resembles a landing strip.

Things you will need:

  • A pair of scissors
  • A trimmer
  • A razor


  • Firstly, remove all the hair from the face.
  • Only leave very little hair on the chin region.
  • The side-burns can be kept long and hair trimmed.
  • The hair on the chin region need to be groomed and trimmed properly and in shape.

8. Patchy goatee:

8. Patchy goatee

This is another great style for men who have trouble growing a full beard. In this you just have to maintain a thin beard and some hair on the chin. The hair of the moustache is not connected to that of the chin. There is a little amount of hair right under the lower lip.

Things you will need:

  • A pair of scissors
  • A razor
  • A trimmer


  • Firstly you need to remove all the hair from the face and only leave hair, enough for a moustache and little hair under the lower lip.
  • Now, also leave some amount of hair on the chin.
  • Remove all other hair from the face.
  • This will leave hair on the chin, and just a little bit under the lower lip. This look will be complete with a well groomed moustache.

9. Short textured beard:


A short textured beard is the best way to achieve that chic straight out of bed look with minimal effort of styling. The texturing on an oval face creates a more wholesome jaw-line. This requires the least amount of effort and is the easiest to achieve.

Things you require:

  • A pair of scissors
  • A trimmer
  • A razor


  • Firstly, remove the hair from the sideburns.
  • Other than this let the hair grow along the jaw-line and the chin.
  • Remember to groom this beard from time to time to avoid stray hair.
  • In the end to maintain this style apply hair mousse to your beard to add that extra lustre.

10. The woodsman look:


This look is a classy combination of thin sideburns and a full beard. In this, you will have to maintain a thick mustache and a heavy beard. You will also need to trim the hair along the cheeks to create a neat look.

Things you will need:

  • A pair of scissors
  • A trimmer
  • A razor  


  • On a fully grown beard of about three to four months old, remove the side burns using a razor.
  • Now, using a trimmer, trim the hair along the cheek and create a neat look.
  • Keep this beard heavy at the bottom and it will definitely reek of masculinity.
  • Trim the beard all along the sides and the chin. This will make you look fuller as well as make you look neat at the same time.


The oval face shape is one of the easiest to main a beard on. Since an oval face shape is defined by wider cheekbones it is easy to accentuate the cheeks by removing hair from the cheeks and maintaining its outline. The sides are longer and the length of the sides are larger hence by removing the side burns you can get the best and the most attractive look. To give yourself a fuller look you can try leaving some hair on the chin and this will give you a very attractive neat look.


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