Men’s Eyebrows Grooming Tips and Tech: Let’s admit the bitter truth that the first feature that is noticed on the human face is the eyebrows. It is not just for women but for men too (let’s raise a gender discrimination free nation, shall we?).
I mean there is definitely something attractive about the men who have their brows set right. Neither too thin nor too grown out eyebrows becomes the center of attraction. Thin brows don’t suit women much then how can they be attractive to men?So this is where the trouble comes! You want your brows to be on point and to be honest, it is very important to pay attention to as well.
A lot of men are at a complete loss when it comes to eyebrows. This is why groomers and makeup or facial artists exist; they make you look better and fine. Thus, in this article, you will be disclosed to some simple tips and tech, which will help you in setting your eyebrows just right. Don’t be dramatic with them fella; they deserve utter attention and respect!
Men Eyebrows Grooming tips:
Let’s dig straight into the eyebrows grooming tips for men now!
1. The first and most crucial tip and sincere advice for men are to NOT opt for waxing when it comes to eyebrows. Waxing is fine with your beard but it is so not okay for your brows. Waxing gives a very strong line which brings out more of a feminine brow line instead of a male one. Moreover, waxing has been removed largely by many salons for the eyebrows as its constant usage is reported to destroy the collagen near the eye area.
2. Trimming is the best way to bring out the unwanted hair from your eyebrows. Don’t just pick a tweezer and get started with trimming; get directions! Trimming makes eyebrows look well-groomed and also lighter. This is what a lot of models attempt to too.
3. The obvious extra hair that grows out is best to take out from trimming. You can use other means to shape them perfectly if tweezer aches a lot. If you just rely on trimming, then the best time span to trim them is every two weeks, so that they stay well-groomed and in great shape. You don’t want to turn into a beast and then trim it all because it can get really painful to take the bulk hair out with a tweezer.
4. The best tip for men is not to get dramatic with their brows. Yes, it is completely fine for men to take out their excessive hair. However, you don’t want to shape them like women do. This will make you look more feminine and trust me; your lady love will laugh her lungs out at female-like brows. Keep them like males do but just get the best hair out. So staying natural is the key!
5. The most wanted tip is this one; DON’T GO TOO DEEP. When you are removing hair from below the brow, you need to make a very slightly curved line and not a much-defined one (like females do). Staying in the natural men look, it is okay to have a slightly rough edge to the eyebrows. It is not great to go deep with the curves.
6. Don’t forget that your tweezers are your best friend here. You need to invest in a good pair and that will make your task easier. The quality of your tweezer is going to make or break the deal for you.
7. The misconception that thick male eyebrows cannot be well-defined and groomed is totally wrong. The basic tip for thick eyebrows is to not go thin with them. These usually match your face angles and eyes etc. and thin might not suit you. Just trim the excessive hair and define them nicely (keeping in mind the above grooming tips) and you are fine to show off your thick “groomed” eyebrows too.
8. The last tip is to thread or trim your hair below the arch and not above. You can definitely go for the above area too but only trim the unwanted hair which looks odd. Usually trimming down above the arch brings out a perfect female brow which is certainly not your pick.
Men Eyebrow Grooming Tech
So men usually can’t rely on a cotton thread or simple things to make their brows or beard. They need instant helpers and that is why men technology for eyebrow grooming and beard trimming is a huge vibe in the marketplace these days. so here is some basic grooming tech for men that they must possess and they will certainly find them helpful.
1. Eyebrow trimmer is a definite here, isn’t it? You usually get an eyebrow trimmer which can be used on your nose and ear too. Philips eyebrow trimmer is a great choice to make. These are better termed as micro-trimmers and the sole purpose of their creation is that they trim out the smallest hair too, making your task easier and finer.
2. Exfoliator is other great men grooming tech and you can use it after you are done trimming your brows and beard. It is used for scrubbing and helps enhance your facial appearance in a very fine manner. Just make sure that you invest in a good one which has good bristles because you don’t want to get acne on your face. Poor bristles bring out pimples so be conscious of what you buy.
3. Scissors are another essential grooming tech that men must have. Facial scissors are easily accessible on the market these days and they help you in trimming your eyebrows and beard or mustache too. Thus, this is a must-have.
4. A small comb is also great to have if you take trimming down your brows seriously. It is going to help you trim down your brows finely and will make your efforts shine out too. Thus this is somewhat a must have too as it is important for mustache or beard.
With these tips and must have technologies, men can groom their eyebrows just fine. Make sure that you don’t trim them down too much because you definitely want your male spark to stay alive. Eyebrows are the center of attraction for every facial appearance and no one wants to mess up with it. Let is stay natural and groom them in the right way to look great all the time!