Black Men Haircuts: 50 Stylish and Trendy Haircuts African Men – 2023

black men hairstyles

Once you are aware of all the various types of styles and hair-cuts out there for black men, choosing the one that suits you the best becomes easy. It can be challenging to find the right cut and style without knowing the available options.

The kind of hairstyle that will suit you best will depend upon the kind and type of hair you naturally have. Recently, black men have been trying out new and trendy styles which are inspired by the taper and fade look.

This look basically involves hair being tapered on the sides and faded from the top. Other than this there are so many different options, like the classic waves, or twists, retro looks, flat tops and of course the taper and fade look.

Trying something new never hurts and sometimes the boldest experiments turn out to be the best. It comes down to the type of hair you have, if you have thick hair then you’ll have more hair to work with but you may experience trouble trying to maintain a hairstyle with thick hair. If you have curly hair then short hair will suit you better with a tapered fade look. If you have thin hair then almost anything will suit you as long as you maintain it well.  

If you are looking for a fresh look or are hunting for new ways to cut and styles your hair in, you are at the right place. This is a guide to the best, most popular and fashionable haircuts and styles which are available to black men today. It will also teach you the right way to attain and maintain the style of your choice.

You will also find the braids, mini twists and the dreadlocks, which can be the black men haircut styles to be flaunted throughout the year. Here are 20 of the trendiest black hairstyles men that can help you and your barber to make you look great when stepping out in style.

How to Maintain Natural Hair?

Shampoo less frequently: shampoo is a great product to clean hair of the impurities it gathers throughout the day. One wash can keep your hair clean for about 3 days. After each wash the hair loses its natural oils. To maintain the health of the hair it is important to wash hair only after a gap of at least 3 days. This will give the hair time to regain the natural oils.

Moisturize after each wash: it is important to moisturize hair after each wash to keep its natural oil intact. After each wash hair loses their oils and these oils are important to ensure the health of the hair. To lock this in it is important to moisturize hair properly.

Choose a style that requires less maintenance: if you style your hair in a simple manner, in a way that does not require usage of too many hair products then you can maintain the natural essence of your hair. The more number of products you apply on your hair to set them, the more damage it causes to your hair making them rough and lifeless.

Choose the correct styling product: it is important that when you are choosing a product you make sure that the particular product suits your hair type. Another important thing to make sure is that you are not allergic to any of the ingredients of the product.

Avoid heat styling: the worst thing that you can do to your hair is use too much heat and end up burning them. When you use straighteners or high heat blow dryers on your hair too frequently, you tend to damage them. The hair end up developing split ends and they become unhealthy and weak. Instead, let your dry naturally and style them only occasionally. Your hair need to be in their real character most of the time if you wish to maintain its health.

Try using home-made and natural moistening agents: to maintain the natural texture and lustre of the hair you can try by making a mask for your hair that can replenish its natural oils quickly and efficiently. You can make a mask for your hair by making a mixture of curd and egg whites. Curd has healthy bacteria that makes hair soft and egg has the quality to add volume to your hair and make them nice and fluffy.

Styling and Maintenance

When you are styling your hair it is important to make sure that you also maintain your hair well. Here the word maintenance means the health and maintenance of the hair itself and not the style. To style your hair properly the following should be done:

  • Each time you plan your trying a new style, wash your hair properly and then attempt it on clean hair.
  • When you are done for the day and plan on washing your hair, apply oil at least once a week to keep them from having split ends.
  • When styling hair, avoid using heat to keep them in place this makes the hair rough and can burn the hair from the tips causing split ends.
  • When using heat styling appliances like straighteners and blow dryers, make sure to use them as sparingly as possible because these appliances damage hair the most.   
  • When using various styling products on hair, make sure that they are of good quality and that the product is one that is made for your hair type.
  • Make sure to wash out hair when too many hair products are applied to it.
  • After each wash remember to moisturize your hair properly.

Products for Maintaining Hair Styles

1. TIGI Bed Head, Hair Wax for Men

TIGI Bed Head for Men Matte Separation Workable Wax Buy Now at Amazon

About the Product:  

  • This is a great product for all hair types.
  • It is super easy to use.
  • It is a well scented product with a great hold.
  • It provides hair with the right shine without making it look greasy.


  • Great product to hold hairstyles in place
  • Gives hair the required shine and lustre
  • Has a strong masculine scent


  • Makes hair too greasy at times

Final Word:

This product is great for everyday use and works well on all hair types. Sometimes it may cause the hair to look too greasy and this may be a problem for many users.

2. American Crew Firm Hold Styling GelAmerican Crew Firm Hold Styling Gel

Buy Now at Amazon

About the Product:

  • This product contains no harmful chemicals and is safe to use on hair without causing any real damage to it.
  • It is flake free and it nutritive is and gives a powerful hold.
  • It is great for styling and provides hold for 24 hours.


  • Strong hold for 24 hours
  • Flake-free
  • Chemical-free formula


  • Takes a little long to dry

Final word:

This gel is great for styling hair for people with patience since it takes a little time for it is to dry when applied to wet hair.

3. BOLDIFY Hair Thickening Spray

Buy Now at Amazon

About the Product:

  • This product is great to provide you with the perfect hold required to hold a hair style.
  • It is made with a unique non-sticky formula which is light weight and gives a great look.
  • It makes hair voluminous in 60 seconds or less.


  • Dries up quickly
  • Holds hairstyles
  • Is non-sticky


  • May make hair dry

Final Word:

This is a great buy for people with thin hair since it will help give their hair volume. This product is known to make hair voluminous instantly within 60 seconds. If too much of it is applied the hair can end up dry and lifeless.

4. Blind Barber 90 Proof Pomade

Buy Now at Amazon

About the Product:

  • This product provides maximum hold for the most part of the day.
  • It leaves you with a strong workable matte finish.
  • It holds hairstyles in position for long durations.


  • Strong hold
  • Matte finish
  • Maximum control for hairstyles


  • Long term usage may cause dandruff

Final Word:

This is a great product if you style your hair regularly. It provides your hair with the perfect hold required to maintain hairstyles. If this product is used on a regular basis it may cause dandruff.

5. Uppercut Deluxe Pomade

Buy Now at Amazon

About the Product:

  • This product helps you make hairstyles and also keep them in control.
  • It provides you with a strong hold and the right amount of shine.
  • It gives you the desired attractive timeless look you’ve been waiting for.


  • Helps define your hairstyle
  • Provides a strong hold
  • Gives the right amount of shine


  • May make hair greasy

Final Word:

This product is great to make complex hairstyles because it provides a superior hold. It makes hair shiny and lustrous, if the right amount is applied. If too much of it is applied hair might start to look greasy.

Best 50 Stylish Haircuts for Black Men

#1. Short Dreads with a fade:

There are innumerable dreadlock styles available to you that you can choose from. You can try to keep short dreads with hair faded near the temple. With this look you can try and incorporate a short beard. This will blend in well with the dreadlocks and the fade.   

To get this style you will need:

  • Trimmer
  • A pair of scissors
  • Hair gel/ Hair spray
  • A comb/ Brush


  • For this, first, using a trimmer trim the hair along the temple. Also reduce the hair on the side burns to give it a faded look.
  • Now for the dread-locks, take locks of hair and twist them, now apply a strong hold hair gel or a hair spray to help hold hair in place.   

#2. Fat braids with a fade:

you can try making big braids if you have long hair. The ends of these braids can be put up in a bun and the hair near the temple can be given a faded look. Alternative, you can also make thin braids and tie it up in a knot at the back and trim the hair near the temple. Also trim hair along the side burns. With this look you should keep yourself clean shaven.

To get this style you will need:

  • A comb
  • 3 small rubber bands
  • A trimmer
  • A pair of scissors


  • To get the desired look you will need to part your hair into sections on the top and braid them into either 3 big braids or many small braids.
  • Now tie the ends of these braids into a small bun at the back of the head.
  • If you want a sharper look then shave the hair along the temple and the side burns to give it a faded look.

#3. Short hair with a fade:

everyone knows about the famous fade. It is simple and snazzy. This is an essential part of black men hair styles today. A fade with short hair is a style that is evergreen and is liked and preferred by a lot of men. If you have thick hair then you might need to ask your barber to define the cut by shaving a ‘part’ line. This will spruce up the hairstyle even more.

To get this style you will need:

  • A trimmer
  • A comb
  • Mousse


  • This is the easiest hairstyle to attain as well as to maintain.
  • This is an easy hairstyle which is achieved by simply keeping the hair on the top of the head short.
  • The next step is to trim the hair on the sides and on the side burns to give it a faded effect.
  • In the end you can use a mousse to add that extra shine to your hair and make it look attractive.

#4. The curly afro:

this is one of the most iconic hairstyles for black men. This hairstyle requires very little maintenance, just a comb through the hair, once in a while is enough to maintain this hairstyle. The only thing you need to do is keep the sides nice and trim.

To get this style you will need:

  • A trimmer
  • A comb
  • A mousse for curly hair


  • This is the oldest hairstyle for black men and requires very little commitment to maintain them.
  • The first and the only thing you need to do is trim the hair from the sides. The sides need to be trimmed from time to time.
  • Other than this, you just have to let the hair on the top of the head grow.  
  • Needless to say, this hair looks the best on men with curly hair.

#5. Thick waves:

this is a great hairstyle for black men with longer hair. This is one of those hairstyles which we do not see enough of and isn’t appreciated enough for the sharpness it brings out in a man wearing this hairstyle. This hairstyle requires high maintenance but is worth the effort.

To get this style you will need:

  • Bristle Brush
  • Hair gel/ Hair grease


  • First, with the help of a bristle brush, define your hair into waves.
  • These waves are best achieved with high maintenance in long hair.
  • Now, to hold the waves into place you will need to apply gel or grease to hold the waves in place.

#6. Pompadour:

black men with hair that are fine and straight but not thick can carry this hairstyle off well. Men with curly hair can also give this hairstyle a try. This is one of the bolder black men hairstyles out there.

To get this style you will need:

  • A round brush
  • Hair spray
  • Trimmer
  • A comb


  • This hairstyle can be achieved by shaping a “quiff” with your hair in the front of your head.
  • This should be arranged in a curled or a coil styled manner in the front toward the top.
  • Now you will need to apply hair spray to hold this look into place.
  • Stylists these days can do a lot of innovative hair styles and cuts when asked for this hair style.  

#7. The retro high top fade:

this is an evergreen look from the 80’s or 90’s which has etched itself with African American culture. Sometimes a fresher hairstyle is one which belongs to the previous era. This hairstyle looks the best when coupled up with a fade near the temple. You can also shave a fade at the back of your head to give it a modern touch.

To get this style you will need:

  • A razor
  • A trimmer
  • A pair of scissors
  • A pick toothed comb
  • Mousse


  • First, shave a fade at the back of your head and on the sides. Shave long the temple too, till you get the desired look.
  • Now, let the hair on the top of the head grow long and comb them upward from time to time with a pick toothed comb.
  • To keep the hair in this style you might require some mousse to help keep the hair in position.

#8. The dread lock bun:

black men who have long hair can easily try this look. This is one of the easier looks for men with longer hair. It is easy to maintain once the style is created. For a cleaner and sharper look you can try trimming hair around to bun.

To get this style you will need:

  • A comb
  • Hair grease/ Hair mousse
  • A large rubber- band


  • Divide your hair into 3 different sections.
  • Now, twist the hair to make dreadlocks. These will be made in all three sections by taking some amount of hair from each section.
  • Now use grease to hold these dread locks in place. Once the dread locks have been made then tie them up into a bun on the top of your head.
  • Alternatively, you can tie these dreadlocks up at the back of your head.

#9. Short dreadlocks with a fade:

this hairstyle is easy to attain when explained well to your barber. Show him a picture for reference. Men who have medium long hair can go for this look.  In this dread locks are made at the top of the head and tied in a pony-tail. The hair near the temple and the side-burns are then shaved to create a fade like effect. If you can grow a beard with this your look will be complete.

To get this style you will need:

  • A comb/ Brush
  • A trimmer
  • Mousse/ Hair gel
  • A rubber-band


  • Make dreads with the hair on the crown of your head.
  • Now, depending upon the length you can either decide to tie the dreads up or you can leave them flowing down.
  • After this, trim the hair along the temple as well as the hair along the side burns to create a faded effect.
  • Apply hair mousse in the end, this gives your hairstyle a perfect, modern and glossy touch.  

#10. Mohawk:

everyone loves a Mohawk. It is easy to attain and even easier to maintain. It only requires a trim and a groom from time to time. This is a classic cut and you can easily get your barber to give you the desired look. The idea is to shave the hair on the back of the head into a fade while maintaining the basic Mohawk. In this hairstyle the hair on the top of the head will obviously be kept on the longish side.

To get this style you will need:

  • A trimmer
  • A razor
  • A comb
  • A pair of scissors
  • Gel/ Mousse


  • First, you will need to decide the area of hair you want to leave in the middle section of your head, to create the perfect Mohawk effect.
  • Next, you will need to shave off hair along that line till the back of your head.
  • Leaving hair in the middle section and only there is the basic idea of a Mohawk.
  • Now, you will need to decide the length of hair you need in the middle section, and cut your hair accordingly.
  • In the end, to finish the look you will need to apply gel to the remaining hair. This will give them the required hold as well as shine.   

#11: The Box Fade Cut

The Box Fade Cut

The Box Fade Haircut brings back the memories of the 8/0’s and the 90’s. It is one of the hairstyles for black men, where the hair is burst up on the sides using a quality moisturizer. For black men, this black haircuts for men can be the perfect ones.

#12: Taper Fade with Afro

Taper Fade with Afro

This Taper Fade black men haircut is styled with an afro on the top, creating a box shape. The lines are very distinct with the sides fading out. Youngsters sporting this hairstyle can look attractive.

#13: Low fade haircut

Low fade haircut

The low fade haircut is a unique hairstyle among the black men fade haircuts, which seems as deceptive to those watching. The fade disappears gradually on the sides and ultimately becomes invisible at the ear line. This gives a great appearance in both style and convenience, and is one of the most popular fade hairstyles for black men.

#14: Faded Sides with Curly Top

Faded Sides with Curly Top

Having a clean look with fade sides and thick hair curled naturally on the top can be an accentuated black men haircut. Perfect edges add to the style to make it an ideal haircut for black men.

#15: Box Fade with Parting

Box Fade with Parting

Following the hairstyles of the late 80’s and 90’s,the Box Fade black men hairstyle with parting makes it a popular look, and a bold statement.Teenagers can flaunt this style to look trendy.

#16: Side Fade Hairstyle for Black Men

Side Fade Hairstyle for Black Men

The Side Fade Hairstyle for black men is one of the latest black hair men hairstyle, where the fade is on the sides and the thick hair on the top styled with a dryer.

#17: Faded Twists

Faded Twists

The Faded Twists haircut for black men is a trendy hairstyle which can be flaunted by boys as well as men. The hair is groomed to make a professional statement.

#18: The Wave Fade

The Wave Fade

This black men hairstyle is a creative hairstyle that has a wavy distinct line on the faded sides, which adds more dimension to the appearance. Boys can sport this haircut with a little hairdo.

#19: Brushed Up Straight

Brushed Up Straight

The Brushed Up Straight is one of the upcoming haircut black men, which can also be flaunted by young adults. With the long hairs brushed up straight, and the sides having a fade, this hairstyle is a creative one.

#20: Short and Clean Haircut for Men

Short and Clean Haircut for Men

This is one of the best haircuts for black men having short hair and matches all types of shapes of the face. This hairstyle is flexible, making it easy for the barber.

#21: Afro Taper Fade

Afro Taper Fade

This hairstyle is one of the black men fade haircuts, and is a popular low fade haircut black men hairstyle. The length of the hair decreases as it gradually goes down from the top until it disappears. The curls on the top are styled in various ways, suiting one’s appearance.

#22: Angled and Sculpted Fade

Angled and Sculpted Fade

The Angled and Sculpted Fade haircut can bring dimension and style to a man’s appearance and is also referred as the Geometrical Fade. Super straight and visibly defined edges are the characteristics of this haircut, and look best for those having a symmetrical head, as the angles will appear more uniform and prominent. This hairstyle is one of the popular black men fades haircuts.

#23: The Real fade

The Real fade

This fade haircut black men is an authentic fade haircut for men, where the sides are fade and the thick hair on the top blown up with a dryer. The fade running into a well kept beard could look more stylish.

#24: The Fro Out Low Tapered

The Fro Out Low Tapered

This hairstyle can be one of the best for boy, where the hair is styled in any fashion at the time of growing. Carrying into the stage of fro cuts, this hair styling will need to apply a quality gel.

#25: Side Look Fade Haircut

Side Look Fade Haircut

The Side Look Fade Haircut is a trendy black men haircut, where the sides are fade deep at the back and the long hair at the forehead has a box shaped cut.

#26: Fade Haircut with Shaved Sides

Fade Haircut with Shaved Sides

Both men and young people would like this hairstyle, where the sides are fade right up to the areas above the ears and shaved to have a clean look.

#27: The Classic Cut for Black Men

The Classic Cut for Black Men

This is a haircut that has come through ages as one of the popular black men haircut styles. The haircut is clean and gives a classic look.


#28: Low Taper Side Parted

Low Taper Side Parted

This black men hairstyle is quite uncommon, where the sides are neatly parted and the hair on the top styled to be low tapered. A professional barber can style this haircut perfectly.

#29: Partial Low Fade

Partial Low Fade

This is an innovative black hair men hair style, where the off center shave gives a creative look, and tuned up to the beard line.

#30: Spartan Feathers

Spartan Feathers

This is a creative Mohawk hairstyle for black men, which provides an inspirational look. This Mohawk style features spiky twists which are small, and has a distinct dividing line.

#31: long haired dreadlocks

long haired dreadlocks

#32: Curly hairstyles + Undercut

 Curly hairstyles + Undercut

#33: Close shave hairstyles

Close shave hairstyles

#34: High Top Dreads

High Top Dreads

#35: medium Curly hairstyles

medium Curly hairstyles

#36: Taper Curly hairstyles + stylish Frond word

Taper Curly hairstyles + stylish Frond word

#37: Closes short hairstyles

Closes short hairstyles

#38: Curly Taper fade + bright hairstyles with beard

Curly Taper fade + bright hairstyles with beard

#39: Short and Simple Hairstyles

Short and Simple Hairstyles

#40: Classic Clean close cut

Classic Clean close cut

#41: short curly hair with beard

short curly hair with beard

#42: Afro Hairstyles

Afro Hairstyles

#43: long curly crave

long curly crave

#44: Curly Undercut styles

Curly Undercut styles

#45: curly long hairstyles

curly long hairstyles

#46: Long Spiky Hairstyles

Long Spiky Hairstyles

#47: skin fade haircut  with Angles

skin fade haircut with Angles

#48: Colored Dreadlocks

Colored Dreadlocks

#49: Dyed top Curly hairstyles

Dyed top Curly hairstyles

#50: geometric hair design

geometric hair designFlaunting some of the handpicked black men hairstyles will need the skills of a professional barber, and will need quality styling products.


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