10 Best Beard Growing Tips:: How to Grow, Style and Maintain Your Beard

Beard Growth

To look masculine, sexy and attractive by flaunting beard styles, the most important thing you will need is to hold on to your patience. Let your facial hair grow naturally to the desired length till you can find it convenient for styling your beard in the way you want. You can achieve to wear a look that you can be proud of by following some simple steps for growing a beard faster and thicker.


Beard Growth


  1. Be Patient – Patience can help youto grow your beard thicker and faster so that you are able to style it according to your preference, Do not rush with things, such as shaving the beard within a day or two to avoid the discomfort of itching. Use a product to keep your face moisturized and within a couple of weeks, you will see your beard growing thicker and faster.
  2. Nutrient Rich Diet – Follow a diet plan that is healthy and rich in nutrient. Supplement your diet with nuts, vitamins (A, B, C & E ), fish, egg, and meat. Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water and biotin on a regular basis so that the hair follicles get proper nutrition to help enhance the hair growth.
  3. Exfoliation – Wash your face with warm water twice a day and use a product to exfoliate your skin. You can use a cleanser that is soft on the skin and exfoliate once a week. This will help to remove the dead cells and promote the hair growth.
  4. Proper Grooming – Do not groom your facial hair too often by trimming and shaving, instead allow the beard to grow for at least six weeks so that you find it easier to shape the thick and long hair.
  5. Stress – Stress is an important factor that can retard the growth of the facial hair. Regular exercises or yoga can help you to lead a stress-free life. This can enhance the hair growth.
  6. Sleep – Get plenty of sleep, at least 8 hours a day to help to enhance the beard growth. The facial hair grows best when the body is at rest. This promotes cell division and helps to repair the damaged skin.
  7. Rigorous Exercises – Undergo rigorous exercises that are manly. This can help in increasing the level of testosterone, which is important for hair growth. Cardio exercises, squats, push-ups and running on the track are some exercises that help in increasing the blood circulation and hence promote the growth of the facial hair.
  8. Facial Massage – Facial massage can help to increase the blood circulation and thus enhance the hair growth. Use premium quality products like massage oil to facilitate the cell division.
  9. Tools – Use beard grooming tools that are of premium quality, for instance, a branded trimmer, a good quality razor and other tools that are dependable. Use moisturizers that are effective and safe on your skin, like Eucalyptus and coconut oils.
  10. Shaving – Do not shave often, instead leave the beard to grow for about three to four days, after which you can shave or trim.

Ask your barber for some more tips that can help you achieve the beard style that you have always dreamt of. Beat your best when it comes to showing your masculinity with some of the best and attractive beard styles.


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